Base your answers on your diet in the past 24 hours.
Select all that apply
Please choose one
Exclude: processed meats (sausage, etc.)
Include: brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.Exclude: breads
Include: white rice, pasta, noodles, etc.Exclude: breads
Include: corn tortilla, whole wheat pita, etc.
Include: flour tortilla, naan, etc.
Include: tofu, hummus, falafel, etc.
Exclude: potatoes, pizza / sandwich toppings
Exclude: processed fruits (jams, etc.)
Include: cookies, cake, etc.
Include: CheeriosTM, etc.
Include: Frosted FlakesTM, etc.
Include: chips, crackers, etc.
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Your diet analysis is complete.
Please proceed to see your results.
You need to provide more data for the analysis.
Please restart the quiz.
If your diet in the past 24 hours was typical, please proceed.
If not, restart the quiz with your diet from a different 24-hour period.